Dear Clients,

Please kindly be informed that despite the nationally declared emergency situation caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, the colleagues at Danubia, Danubia IP and Danubia Legal are continuously providing their traditionally of high quality services and are available for our clients – even though in somewhat altered circumstances – and we guarantee that there will be no discrepancy in any ongoing matter.

The health of our clients and staff is of utmost importance for the Danubia Group, and as a responsible group of firms we also respect the interest of the society, consequently, we duly respect all the declared emergency rules and regulations.

We have made all possible efforts to minimize the danger of COVID-19 infections within our premises. A number of our colleagues have cancelled their travels and conference participations weeks ago which has turned out to be a responsible decision even though at that time it appeared as undue precaution. We make every effort to enable that as many colleagues could work from home office as possible, therefore, they hold all necessary meetings and discussions via online means and telephone. During the emergency situation, personal meetings with clients are halted within our premises but we are continuously at the service of our clients via email and telephone, and also via video conference if necessary, during the work hours. Obviously, we are also ready to reflect to new orders via these channels. The telephone and email availability of our colleagues can be found at our website.

We guarantee that in your ongoing matters you will experience the same high level of professionalism and attention you are used to, our services are not at all affected by the altered circumstances in this regard. Those clients whom we represent in court cases or before other authorities will be informed by our senior colleagues on the potential alterations of the usual course of proceedings caused by the national emergency situation.

We wish all of us good health and persistence in these hard days and also ask you that for the sake of the community you also respect the declared emergency sanitary regulations.

The Danubia Group